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Notice of The Penalty Charge of Hazardous Cargo Misdeclaration or Concealed Declaration


Dear valued customers,

Incorrectly declared hazardous cargo adds a high risk to the safety of our vessel/crew safety both at sea and on shore. To strengthen the governance of hazardous cargo misdeclaration and Concealed declaration, please be advised that we will be levying the penalty charge of Hazardous Cargo Misdeclaration.

The penalty charge of Hazardous Cargo Misdeclaration or Concealed Declaration: USD 50000 Per Misdeclared Container.
Extra Operation Cost: Subject to Actual

We are sure you appreciate that we place a high value on the safety of our crew and vessels as well the cargo of all of our customers. We would like to thank you for doing business with us. For any questions, please feel free to contact your local customer service or sales representatives.

Yours Faithfully,